editorial adj. 1.编辑的;编辑上的;主笔的,总编辑的。 2.〔美国〕社论的。 n. 〔美国〕(期刊的)社论。 an editorial article 社论。 an editorial assistant 编辑助理。 an editorial chair 主笔职位。 an editorial office 编辑室。 the editorial staff 编辑部。 an editorial paragraph [note] 短评。 an editorial writer 〔美国〕社论作者,主笔。 adv. -ly 1.在编辑上;以主笔身分。 2.以社论形式。
When members of the public collect in person free publications and leaflets from the editorial section ( 4f , murray building , garden road , central , hong kong ) , they can expect service 市民亲临本处刊物销售小组(中环花园道美利大厦4楼)索取免费刊物及单张,可于
The sorting and proofreading were done with the help of my assistants ms janice chow , ms angel shing and ms melanie lee , before they were handed over to the editorial section for compiling , translation , and editing 上述资料再经我和我的助手周荔娆小姐盛安琪小姐李俊慧小姐整理和校对,然后交给本馆的编辑部进行撰写翻译编辑等工作。
Has been working for the editorial section of the hong kong film archive since 2002 . she started her career at the film and video department of the hong kong arts centre , and later served as assistant director of the broadway cinematheque 1 4岁已客串演出华纳公司的电视电影《 forbiddennights 》 ,大学毕业后参与演出《女人,四十》及《霹雳火》 ,及后主演《美少年之恋》与《顾城别恋》 。
To satisfy the demand and interests of the readers , the editor of the newspaper has designated special editorial section to feature the latest news of the international renowned sports stars and olympic gold medal winners , including yao ming , liu xiang , yin wei na , tian liang , guo jing jing , etc . the special editorial pages will feature interviews and reports on their lifestyle , thinking , training process and latest achievements , etc . each national star will be featured several times each year 该报的编辑为应广大读者的要求与兴趣,独辟专板栏目报导全国最顶级的体坛巨星,包括姚明刘翔刑慧娜田亮郭晶晶等全部享有国际名望之体坛名将与所有奥运金牌得主之近况。该专板栏目将访问及报导66位体坛名将和中国体坛的明日之星之种种生活感想受训过程和最新突破成绩等,每位体坛巨星每年将有几次专栏专访报导。