
editorial section中文是什么意思

  • (报纸的)社论版
  • 编辑科
  • 社论版



  • 例句与用法
  • When members of the public collect in person free publications and leaflets from the editorial section ( 4f , murray building , garden road , central , hong kong ) , they can expect service
  • The sorting and proofreading were done with the help of my assistants ms janice chow , ms angel shing and ms melanie lee , before they were handed over to the editorial section for compiling , translation , and editing
  • Has been working for the editorial section of the hong kong film archive since 2002 . she started her career at the film and video department of the hong kong arts centre , and later served as assistant director of the broadway cinematheque
    1 4岁已客串演出华纳公司的电视电影《 forbiddennights 》 ,大学毕业后参与演出《女人,四十》及《霹雳火》 ,及后主演《美少年之恋》与《顾城别恋》 。
  • To satisfy the demand and interests of the readers , the editor of the newspaper has designated special editorial section to feature the latest news of the international renowned sports stars and olympic gold medal winners , including yao ming , liu xiang , yin wei na , tian liang , guo jing jing , etc . the special editorial pages will feature interviews and reports on their lifestyle , thinking , training process and latest achievements , etc . each national star will be featured several times each year
  • 其他语种释义
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editorial section的中文翻译,editorial section是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译editorial section,editorial section的中文意思,editorial section的中文editorial section in Chineseeditorial section的中文editorial section怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
